
Hi, I’m Kelsey,

I’m a therapist who started her career with a bachelor's degree in psychology. I focused on behavioral neuroscience as I was, and remain, interested in how the brain impacts peoples' behaviors and relationships.

One day, sitting in the neuroscience lab, a colleague sat down next to me and started talking about some of their problems. I said to myself "wow, I wish I could just listen and help people like this the rest of my life..." Lucky for me, this was a career option...

I subsequently attained my master's in social work. However, I realized during my work with clients that simply talking through things was not truly resolving the majority of their ailments. Therefore, I sought answers through special training, research, and further education.

I now use a unique, integrated approach to help clients get to the root of what is causing their dysfunction and walk with them along the journey to greater peace, confidence, and satisfaction.